

- October 09, 2017

Forex is not a scam, but there are plenty of scams associated with forex. Regulators have significantly caught up to the scammers over the years, making them increasingly rare. The CFTC's Division of Enforcement has established a toll-free telephone number to assist members of the public in reporting possible violations of the commodities laws. Call 866-FON-CFTC (866-366-2382). In addition, if you think that you have been a victim of a forex scam, you can report suspicious activities or information to the CFTC in the online form on the this website, or by mail addressed to the Office of Cooperative Enforcement, CFTC, 1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20581.

In this view, countries may develop unsustainable economic bubbles or otherwise mishandle their national economies, and foreign exchange speculators made the inevitable collapse happen sooner. A relatively quick collapse might even be preferable to continued economic mishandling, followed by an eventual, larger, collapse. Mahathir Mohamad and other critics of speculation are viewed as trying to deflect the blame from themselves for having caused the unsustainable economic conditions.

is a registered FCM and RFED with the CFTC and member of the National Futures Association (NFA # 0339826). Forex trading involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Full Disclosure Spot Gold and Silver contracts are not subject to regulation under the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act. Increasing leverage increases risk.

In May and June last year, Mandal and his wife, Wasima, 37, also a physician, invested $30,000 each with Secure, which required customers to use U.S. dollars. The Mandals swapped pounds for $60,000, using a bank. Following instructions from Secure, they then wired the money to banks in Australia and Cyprus to open their accounts.

I just got transferred from FXCM, this app is not as good as FXCM, but I was very happy that they reopened my positions for me the way I had them. The biggest issue I have with this compared to FXCM is you cannot customize the app, there is no option for viewing 1 month charts. I am a long term trader and use the weekly and monthly charts. I suppose I can use a different chart system and then make my trades on this platform. But if I where a hourly or daily trader I can see how this would be flustrating.

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